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bout the treatment
I have over ten years experience of working as acupuncture and massage therapist.
If you have any troubles such as pain, fatigue, autonomic nerve problems, etc, please feel free to contact me!
(Whatever okay, even you're tired from walking or jet lag!)
Email inquiries would be checked at 8am and 9pm
I’m not able to take calls during treatment.
If I don’t answer your phone,
I’ll call you back later.
treatment fee
6000 yen for 1 hour
1.5 hours 9000 yen
Acupuncture treatment + 1000 yen
high frequency radio waves
hotels etc.
You can also travel to your place of stay for treatment.
(Please consult)
Treatment fee 7000 yen
Business trip fee 2000-3000 yen
Acupuncture +1000
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